Curious History

Curious History

The origin of witchcraft

The history of witchcraft

Probably, witchcraft dated about 2500 years ago in Paleolithic era. During this era, both nature and humans were seen as inseparable elements. Humans admitted trees, rocks and streams were deities while Earth was seen as the mother. The mother Earth was seen as the source of womb and tomb.

The Prehistoric witchcraft

In the beginning, man was known to have used attracting magic to attract the herds of animals which provided for needs of the people and ensure fertility was brought to the people and their animals. Back then, hunters would recreate the success they recorded in their hunt. They would carry these same energies into everyday world.


The hunters usually offer sacrifices to the Mistress of the Herds and later to the horned god. The Horned God was known to wear horns in order to show supremacy over the herds. Also, when an animal dies, the bones would be buried, the same way humans were buried. This was done to ensure the animal enjoyed rebirth from the Earth mother’s womb.


The very hunters of today continue with the same practice that dated far back thousand years ago. For example, the Lapps, the people from the far north of the Scandinavia and Inuits still practice these rites. This rite was headed by a Shaman or Magic man who performed the negotiation with the mistress of the Herds or Fish in a trance for the sole purpose of the animals to be released.


According to records, one of the early documented Shamanism is the dancing sorcerer. The shamanic figure, painted in black, on the cave walls of Les Trios, Treres, in the French Pyrenees. The shamanic figure has the paint of a man in animal skins, dated about 1400 BC and stands high above the animals which are shown on the lower walls. He has large round eyes of an Owl, the antlers and ears of a stag with the front paws of a lion or a bear, the genitals of a wild cat and his fail is like that of a horse or wolf. Only his feet are like that of humans.


The Neolithic period began in 7500 BC and lasted till 5500 BC. Hunters of this era had this culture which gave way for the development of agriculture and the god evolved into the son-consort of mother Earth. At this time also born spells Love o hechizos de amor


He was known as the god of the vegetation, winter, death and corn. He offered himself as sacrifice every year by cutting down his corn. He was reborn during the mid-winter solstice. This era also witnessed the growth of shrines to the triple goddess who later got associated with the three phases of the moon: waxing, full and dimming.


The moon was the source through which early humans calculated time. The moon’s cycles corresponded with the female menstrual cycle which usually cease for nine months when a woman is pregnant.


Also determine the lunar phases moments to the Binding Love Spells o Amarres de Amor As result of this, the moon was linked with mysteries of the first birth, the death, when the moon waned and lastly, with new life on the crescent. We found this interesting article on Halloween Express.

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